The inaugural Rush of the Flush team sporting clay event at Beaverhill Sporting Clays (BSC) went off without a hitch – at the peak of the pandemic!
Many things aligned to make this event a success, beginning with the exceptional professionalism of the management and staff at BSC. A huge shout out to the Weatherbys and Spriggs, especially Cherie, who we all know is where the buck stops. They and their team worked tirelessly to ensure we were legal, safe, and comfortable – which is exactly what we got. Secondly, the weather co-operated – after days of rain the skies opened, and we enjoyed beautiful spring weather while migrating birds flew north overhead.
The European style format was a first for the club and in the end – allowed the event to go forward. The main tent, with each end open was where the prizes, auction items and raffles were held. It was critical that we held to schedule as we were in the peak of the third wave of Covid, and we were not allowed to gather in groups of greater than 10 outdoors. Teams came and went, and tables were spaced throughout the grounds which allowed us to be successful and safe. Folks visited on their own and enjoyed a homemade hot dog before or after shooting thanks to the generosity of Darren Richardson of St. Paul Denture Clinic and Dr. Ken Dick of Edmonton.
Special thanks to Dave Reidie who gathered and donated many of the prizes and warmly greeted each team as they arrived. And, as per always, Laurette and Terri were on hand to make certain all was in control.
The course was unique and simulated an upland hunt. A handful of stations were buddy stations, and the final station was a zombie flush in the thunder dome – a low spot in the woods with clay machines seemingly everywhere. Like those rare situations where you find the motherlode of wild roosters and they flush every few seconds from some surprise location.
The shoot was sold out several weeks prior to the event and all involved loved the format and the course. Many folks suggested it was the best shoot they had ever been to.
After two days of shooting, Matrix Reloaded proved to be runaway champs. Congratulations to team members: Kevin Cole, Stu Carter, Bob Ferguson, and Shawn Bosse. This was essentially the same team that won Pheasant Fever III the year prior at Silver Willow Sporting Clays. We are starting to witness a trend in this regard!
PF Calgary looks forward to seeing all our Northern Friends next May and to working with the great folks from Beaverhill Sporting Clays once again.