Pheasants Forever Calgary (PFC) hosted an Open Ranch / Field Day for all new Patrons and Gold Patrons on Saturday, October 9, 2021 at the Little Bow Pheasant Ranch. After all, membership should have its privileges and this day was set for all those that answered the Call of the Uplands.
Guests were offered a pheasant hunt in the morning along the Little Bow River. Two parties of four split the valley up and chased liberated ringnecks for the morning. One crew used flushers, the other pointers.
After the successful outing a prime rib dinner was provided to the guests. Special thanks to Graham Becker for donating and cooking an 18-pound Alberta prime rib roast. As well, a big shout out to Tom Spoletini who provided everything else needed to complement the beef. Needless to say – it was excellent.
After lunch most folks took advantage of the 5-stand sporting clay field, while a few folks went back to the field to search for a few more roosters.
After the guns were put away, folks sat around and enjoyed a beverage and took in the scenery of the Little Bow Valley. Folks toured the lodge and game room and enjoyed some good fellowship on the beautiful warm fall day.